Academic Publications (Selective List)
1. Florackis C., Louca, C., Michaely, R. and & M. Weber (2022) Cybersecurity Risk, The Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming.
2. Florackis C. & S. Sainani (2021) Can CFOs Resist Undue Pressure from CEOs to Manage Earnings? Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 67, 101859.
3. Florackis, C, Kanas, A., Kostakis, A. & Sainani (2020) Idiosyncratic Risk, Risk-taking Incentives and the Relation between Managerial Ownership and Firm Value, European Journal of Operational Research, 283, 748-766.
4. Aretz, K, Florackis, C and Kostakis, A. (2018) Do Expected Equity Returns Really Decrease With Default Risk? New International Evidence, Management Science, 64(8), 3821-3842.
5. Florackis, C., & Sainani, S. (2018). How Do Chief Financial Officers Influence Corporate Cash Policies? Journal of Corporate Finance, 52, 168-191.
6. Ellington, M., Florackis C. & K. Milas (2017) Liquidity Shocks and Real GDP Growth: Evidence from a Bayesian Time–varying Parameter VAR. Journal of International Money and Finance, 72, 93-117.
7. Aguilera, R., Florackis, C. & Kim, H. (2016). Advancing the Corporate Governance Research Agenda. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 24, 172-180
8. Florackis, C., Kanas, A. and Kostakis, A. (2015) Dividend Policy, Managerial Ownership and Debt Financing: A Non-Parametric Perspective, European Journal of Operational Research, 241, 783-795.
9. Florackis, C., Kostakis, A. and Kontonikas, A. (2014) Stock Market Liquidity and Macro-Liquidity Shocks: Evidence from the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis, Journal of International Money and Finance, 44, 97-117.
10. Florackis, C. Giorgioni, G., Kostakis, A. and Milas, C. (2014) On Stock Market Illiquidity and Real-Time GDP Growth, Journal of International Money and Finance, 44, 210-229.
11. Florackis, C. and Balafas, N. (2014) CEO Compensation and Future Shareholder Returns: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange. Journal of Empirical Finance 27, 97-115.
12. Florackis, C., Ozkan, A. and Arslan-Ayaydin A. (2014) Financial Flexibility, Corporate Investment and Performance: Evidence from Financial Crises, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 42, 211-250.
13. Florackis, C., McNulty, T. and Ormrod, P. (2013) Boards of Directors and Financial Risk during the Credit Crisis, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21, 58-78.
14. Florackis, C., Gregoriou, A. and Kostakis A. (2011) Trading Frequency and Asset Pricing on the London Stock Exchange: Evidence from a New Price Impact Ratio. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35, 3335-3350.
15. Florackis, C., Ozkan, A., Kostakis, A. (2009) Managerial Ownership and Performance. Journal of Business Research, 62, 1350-1357.
16. Florackis, C., Ozkan, A. (2009) The Impact of Managerial Entrenchment on Agency Costs: Evidence using UK Panel Data. European Financial Management, 15, 497-528.